The Belagavi Smart City Ltd in its 6th Annual report has mentioned that To Maintain the SCM Projects in future Belagavi Abhivruddi Society has been formed under the Chairmanship of Deputy Commissioner Belagavi and MD Belagavi Smart City Limited as Vice Chairman and Commissioner City Corporation Belagavi as Member Secretary.
Background: Belagavi Smart City Ltd has been formed and listed as a public limited non-Government Company as per the Companies Act 2013 with authorized Share Capital of Rs.500 Cr and Rs.200Cr paid up Share Capital with State Government and City Corporation Belagavi holding 50% each Share. The Company has been Sanctioned Rs.500 Cr each from GOI & GOK and so for GOI Rs.441Cr & GOK Rs.413Cr grants have been received. Initially Belagavi Smart City Limited has prepared SCP for Rs.3871 Cr which included SCM, PPP and Convergence etc. But due to Nonviability/feasibility of the specific projects few of the PPP projects like Solar roof top, Fort and Moat and a few convergence projects also dropped with the approval of HPSC.

Owing to factors the size of the SCP reduced to Rs.2598.43Cr. In this Rs.930 Cr for project funds Rs.70Cr from A &OE and PPP Progress Rs.395.61Cr. and convergence Projects of Rs.1203.67Cr.
To Maintain the SCM Projects in future Belagavi Abhivruddi Society has been formed under the Chairmanship of Deputy Commissioner Belagavi and MD Belagavi Smart City Limited as Vice Chairman and Commissioner City Corporation Belagavi as Member Secretary.
The Society and Belagavi Smart City Limited have Identified the following few projects which can generate revenue for the Urban Local Bodies for maintenance of these projects.
1.MUFC Dharmanath Circle Rs.71,10,000/-(Under PPP Mode) Yearly Rent from the Concessionaire.
2.MUFC Mahantesh Nagar Rs.22,00,000/- Yearly Rent from the Concessionaire.
3.Kalamandir MUFC Rs.2.57Cr Yearly Rent from shopping Complex.
4.Hawker Zone 140 Shops Rs.10 Lakhs rent per annum.
5. PWD Department will receive Tinisu Katte’s rent.
6.Kanbargi Lake(Water Boating & Entrance Fees)
7. KPTCL Road 16 Shops Rs.23 Lakhs rent per annum.
8.Food Kiosk Bus Shelters Rs.2.52 Lakhs rent per annum.
9.Multilevel Car Parking Rs.3,20,000/-
10. Multilevel Car Parking Railway Gate Rs.15,11,000/-
11. Heritage Park Phase-I Entrance fees.
12. Heritage Park Phase-II Entrance fees.
13. Heritage park Phase-III Guest House Grameen Bharat.
14. Development of Art Gallery.
15.Development of Aviation Gallery.
16.Construction of Village Depicting Rural Culture in Buildings.
17. Water Kiosk pure drinking Water. These are the few works taken up under revenue stream projects which will generate funds for maintenance of these works in future.