Belagavi based SenseGiz IoT Solutions to prevent spread of COVID-19

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Currently organizations are facing challenges in contact tracing & in maintaining social distancing at factories, offices, work places & hospitals due to COVID-19.

At SenseGiz, we have served many large enterprises with our asset & people tracking solution, and in the current COVID-19 pandemic, we have built on it to help prevent further business shutdowns. With our solution, Social distancing can be enforced in any factory/office environment and detailed historical contact tracing is done to minimise disruption and quickly isolate only the affected people and areas. All products are designed, developed and MADE IN INDIA for the World.

Key Features – Automatic audible Alerts to violators, Location tracking for contact tracing, Generate historical reports for repeat offenders, Inactivity alerts in case someone takes off the band/tag, Focus on your operations & productivity, Prevent overcrowding & geofencing, Adhere to govt norms & quickly contain any outbreak.

People are the most important assets of any organization. We realized that SenseGiz’s contact tracing solution can be easily adapted to create a better, more secure way for organizations to allow their employees to feel more confident about going back to work,” explained SenseGiz Founder & CEO Abhishek Latthe.

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They have two solutions


For full fledged Historic location & contact tracing, Geo-Fencing, Over crowding alerts & Social distancing enforcement.


For Social distancing enforcement & contact tracing at economical costs.

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We help enforce social distancing at any workplace, identify violators, prevent overcrowding in specific areas.

App based solutions rely on each person turning on the GPS & Bluetooth at all times on their phones, which is not practical.

Many workplaces do not allow use of phones on the work floor, & people might not carry phones all the time or keep them in pockets/purses which would severely degrade tracing performance using an app based solution.

Data remains private to that company only and is not sent to 3rd party servers as in case of app only solutions.

Tags are reusable & can be re-assigned to any other employee/user at any point.

Inactivity alerts if people take off the tag/band- which helps to ensure 100% compliance.

Ensure a safe working environment with our connected worker solution.

Location of violation as well as detailed route history of the infected person for any day will be shown, to enable the organizations to sanitize the particular area visited by an infected person.

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High Accuracy : Our tags use the same electronic modules which ensures high accuracy compared to the usage of different smartphones from manufacturers with varying accuracy when used for social distancing or tracing.

Accurate Location :App based solutions can track people on streets, but for indoor locations at workplaces, such apps cannot tell you which floor did a person visit & will not trace the path within the buildings as GPS coverage is not reliable inside buildings. Our solution has detailed floor & room level contact tracing.

For details see

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