In this online era where making online payments is the need of the hour for both citizens and Govt agency due its seamless integration, the Belagavi Cantonment board has taken a step ahead in this race and its website now allows to make online payments for Property tax, Water Charges and even Shop rent.
The is the original site for the Cantonment board and they have it updated. Like the proceedings of the meeting of the board held on 23 September 2016 is already uploaded under proceedings on 24 September.
Even a new fully integrated payment website is launched by Cantonment board namely
Here online payments can be done with ease using Credit card or debit card or Internet banking.
Seeing the Cantonment website we feel brought down when one visits the Belagavi city Corporation website.
This is hardly updated, the proceedings arent updated and like wise other sections as well. The Belagavi website has mentions and links about Mysuru city (God knows Why? )
No proceedings from 2016 have been uploaded even when we are in the ninth month now leave apart online payment.
Many links take to bad links or some other ULB links.
It is really a good way to go forward by the Cantonment board even with a small population such steps which are citizen friendly and transparent are always and must be welcomed with a large heart.