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Love Dale School Belagavi

Belagavi has average positivity rate of 9% in the last week

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By editor

The second wave of the pandemic is hitting hard and each day is a new record of sorts.

Today the State of Karnataka saw 48296 cases while Belagavi saw 514 new COVID cases.
This is a consecutive second day figure of 500+ for Belagavi district.

With average daily tests of 6500 the Positivity rate stands at an average of 9% from April 24.

Daily testsPositivesPositivity rate
April 2474353134.21 %
April 2592333363.64 %
April 26216031214.44 %
April 27143132191.53 %
April 2836833609.77%
April 29310254517.57 %
April 30456851411.25 %

This single digit figure looks very good, but there is also the factor of under-reporting of cases. But the District admnistartion denies any such act of ommission.

Kodagu topped the state table in the COVID positivity rate at 22.4% on Thursday. 

The positivity rate for April 29 was 19.92%, the Case Fatality Rate (CFR) touched 0.77% for the state.

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