Belagavi – The Next Global Technology Hub

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Belagavi – The Next Global Technology Hub on Friday, June 17th, 2016 at the Suvarna Soudha in Belagavi.

Karnataka State has been taking several initiatives to promote and nurture Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities as the next emerging destinations for IT and Electronics. It is observed that tier II cities are achieving good growth rates and are emerging as investment regions outside their State Capitals.

The Dept. of IT, BT and S&T, Govt. of Karnataka had previously organised such events in Mysore, Hubli& Mangalore. The events were structured in coordination with reputed national and local industry associations like NASSCOM, IESA, ABAI, CLIK and Mysore Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MCCI).

belagavi it hub investor meetThe response to the events was promising with participation of Speakers not only from the host cities, but from across India. Each city witnessed attendance of over 200+ delegates representing 110+ organizations. The events garnered wide publicity in print and web media.

Taking this initiative forward, the Government has now decided to organize a one day ITE event in Belagavi with the theme ‘Belagavi – The Next Global Technology Hub’ on Friday, June 17th, 2016 at the Suvarna Soudha in Belagavi.

The objective of the event is to promote IT and Electronics sector in the region as well as proactive Government policies, incentives & programmes. The event will also be a forum to propagate the Policies of the Government & create awareness about the excellent IT & Electronics Ecosystem in Belagavi at present and its suitability as an ideal destination for setting up Knowledge Industries including IT & Electronics, Defense Electronics etc.

Why Belagavi?

Belagavi is arguably the best amongst Tier Two cities in Karnataka, with the Government taking active steps to promote Knowledge industries and transform it as the next Global Technology Hub.

Belagavi is extremely well positioned, being equidistant from Mumbai, Bangalore and Hyderabad and just about 100 kilometers to the Western coastline, near Goa. Belagavi has excellent connectivity by rail, road and air. Its airport now has an international link to UAE, Thailand and Sri Lanka. Belagavi has 10000 acres of industrial area developed under NIMZ and The feather in Belagavi’ s cap is the Aerospace SEZ – India’s first – in which leading aerospace companies have stakes in aircraft manufacturing operations.

Education: With good number of educational institutes, Belagavi produces more than 20000 professional graduates every year. Vishvesvaraya Technological University, headquartered at Belagavi, affiliated with 121 engineering colleges, is constantly engaged with its mission of nurturing professional talent for Indian Industry making Belagavi an ideal place for investors looking to set shops in the IT and Electronics Sector.

Power and Water: Power situation in Belgaum is favorable with 87 sub stations with a capacity to receive and disseminate 1625 MW of power. Belagavi, has a perennial water source that is expected to meet the demand for potable water till 2040. Belagavi is the first ULB in the country to augment surface water supply system with ground water system through open wells. District administration has planned to increase water supplying capacity in the coming years.

For more details please see

11 thoughts on “Belagavi – The Next Global Technology Hub”

  1. Sir, I request u to kindly add the following:
    Climatic Conditions:
    Above all the Climatic/Weather Conditions are excellent in Belagavi through out the year, unlike other II tier cities.

  2. kindly Clarify this ” Its airport now has an international link to UAE, Thailand and Sri Lanka. “The Airport refered is Belgaum Airport.

  3. Belgavi being at a high altitude and natural Calamity’s safe it’s best to choose bgm for IT development centre.. so did army choose to setup mlirc in Belgavi.. There are lots of IT people from belgavi and nearby places moved to Tier I cities for job.. it would bring new opportunities..

  4. High time. Glad to know about the initiative. A lot of talent will stay behind or will be attracted to this city

  5. Hemant, you to say still, once you start growing with maintaining eco balance then definitely you will see the actual effects, good eg is Bangalore

  6. First have a good visionary and holistic plan for Belgaum and implement them in an efficient manner.
    Otherwise the city will be spoilt to a point of no return like Bengaluru.
    There is an urgent. Need to address the basic infrastructure needs of the city. Please don’t turn Belgaum into another desert city.

  7. Glad to hear that Belagavi will be now “The Next Global Technology Hub”, And also deserve to be, because if city like Belagavi which is the Best amongst the Tier II cities in karnataka is not transformed to one among the Tier I cities… then “What is Development?”… And even other factors do supports, like well geographically placed position with equidistant from other IT Hub cities like Bengaluru, Hyderabad and Mumbai, Also comparatively good from Climate Conditions point of view…!!!


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