MP Rajya Sabha Iranna Kadadi had asked a question in the Rajya Sabha to which MoRTH minister Nitin Gadkari replied about the various National Highways work undertaken in Karnataka and concerning Belagavi the below three have been mentioned.
Six laning Belagavi to Sankeshwar bypass (Pkg – 1) (NH4) Total Project cost [TPC] (Rs. in Cr.)1479.3 of 40.017km Completed 53.61%
Six laning Sankeshwar bypass to MH/KA Border (Pkg – 2) (NH-4) – Rs. 1388.7
Length 37.83km Completed –42.45%
Balance work of 2L PS from Km 30.800 to Km 70.800 and 2L with Rigid Carriageway from Km 70.800 to km 84.120 of Khanapur- KA/GOA Border section of NH-4A – 53.32 km – Completed 49.59%
Work progress is very slow
Nitin gadkari is not capable for holding the NHAI minister portfolio.I personally feel all ministers above 60 age should get retirement and young India should get young qualified minister.
How over age ministers are ruling the young india