The Belagavi police recently launched the Shakti police Bike squad which can be contacted in case of emergency, and they will respond in lesser time as each police station has been assigned 1-3 bikes.
The enlisted numbers can be contacted under the said police station areas to get faster and swifter reference.
Belagavi Police Shakti Bike Squad | |||
Police Station | Shakti 1 | Shakti 2 | Shakti 3 |
APMC | 9480806339 | 9480806340 | |
Camp | 9480806341 | 9480806342 | |
Khade Bazar | 9480806343 | 9480806344 | |
Market | 9480806345 | 9480806346 | 9480806347 |
Malmaruti | 9480806348 | 9480806349 | |
Shahpur | 9480806350 | 9480806351 | 9480806352 |
Tilakwadi | 9480806353 | 9480806354 | |
Udyambag | 9480806355 | ||
Kakati | 9480806336 | ||
Rural | 9480806356 | ||
Marihal | 9480806357 |