Belagavi to get one SAINIK school on PPP mode

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The Government has approved an initiative to set up 100 new Sainik Schools in partnership mode with NGOs/Private Schools/State Government Schools in all State/Uts, and this includes one in Belagavi.

While the initiative envisages the creation of all necessary infrastructure, faculty and other requirements prescribed for new Sainik Schools in partnership mode by the entity setting up and operating the School (State Govt./Pvt Sector/Trust/Society/NGO), there is no provision of expenditure to be incurred by Government of India towards the same.

However, annual support on Merit-Cum-Means basis of up to 50% fee support (subject to an upper limit of Rs. 40,000/- per student per annum) for up to 50% of class – strength (subject to an upper limit of 50 students per class per annum) for the approved school, will be provided by Govt. of India through Sainik Schools Society.


In so far as criteria for opening of a new Sainik School on partnership mode is concerned, the same is subject to approval based on meeting of qualifying requirements framed for the purpose, compliance to the approved by-laws and signing of Memorandum of Agreement with Sainik Schools Society.

 This information was given by Raksha Rajya Mantri Shri Ajay Bhatt in a written reply to Shri Devji M Patel and others in Lok Sabha.

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