Belgaum district on an average gets 6754 mm but until 9th September the rainfall received in the district was only upto half 3256 mm,
The rains have been good over Khanapur and Belgaum taluka to an extent but the other parts on the district have been left dry.
Rainfall received by Belgaum Taluka in mm.
Average Actual Average Actual Average Actual Average Actual 225 104 476 206 265 182 119 71
For the week ending June 13, 2012 the deficit rainfall was -86%, 20 June 2012 -6%, 27 June 2012 -65%, 04 July -59%, 11 July -62%, 18 July -72%, 08 August + 45%, 22 August – 76%, 05 September -107%.