Parking a car at the Corporation Car Parking lot in Bapat Galli could be more dearer officially, as the city corporation is getting ready to officially hike the parking fee to Rs.10 per hour.
The current Official price is Rs.10 for 3 Hours.
In June 2014, the Corporation took over the Parking lot from the contractor as he delayed in payment.
The corporation officials are now planning to hike the parking fees to Rs.10 per hour. Speaking to AAB regular people who park their vehicles say that now also they pay the same price. Rs.20 are collected for two hours when officially in the books they are supposed to collect only Rs.10 for three hours.
So this is nothing but making the illegal collection as valid and legal.
As of today the Official parking fees are Rs.5 for two wheeler and Rs.10 for Four wheeler for a duration of THREE hours and Belgaum City corporation has only TWO official parking lots one is Bapat Galli and the other one is opposite Big Bazar.
Parking in Bogarves, next to Lingraj College comes under Cantonment.
As we all know that the parking fee at present at the Ramdev galli is charged Rs.20/- from the officials of the corporation, the extra amount which they collect it goes to the corporation or like to there pocket, this is to examined by the vigilance or anti corruption.
Who owns two wheel parking opposite to railway station – corporation or cantonment ?
It is good, atleast now we don’t hav to pay Rs 20 (minimum charge) which we had to pay even if we had parked the car for half hour, but surely corporation should declare why it was collecting Rs. 20 when it had to collect Rs. 10 officially. Lets see the credibility of officials of Amche Belgaum…