Citizens turn up to help themselves

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By editor

Citizens when irked and no response from the govt authorities decided to get themselves together and repaired a stretch of the Harsha Hotel to Kanbargi-Gokak Road at Ramteerth Nagar on a Sunday Morning, it was a scene of the strength the common man has.

ram-ngr ram-ngrInitiated by a resident Mahantesh Vakkund after no response from local representatives and BUDA Even after several approaches the group spent around Rs.7000 to get concrete and fill up the dangerous pot holes.
Even after several memorandum submitted to City corporation commissioner and BUDA commissioner nothing ever materialized and then the residents decided now it is time for themselves to help themselves.

This may be a small beginning and also a slap on the face of the authorities which cant fill potholes even after repeated requests and collecting of all the valid taxes.

But everything wasnt smooth as it appears. When the group was filling the pot holes and needed water, the resident nearby shouted at his mother why did you allow them inside the house. This irked the volunteers a bit, but they decided lets not fight for silly reasons and went on ahead with the filling of potholes.

2 thoughts on “Citizens turn up to help themselves”

  1. Good Work by the local citizens. This shows how much they must have been fed up and ultimately took the situation in their own hands. Authorities shame on you.


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