‘Hardwork is the key to success’, on this motivational thought Love Dale Central School organized ‘Achiever’s Talk’ in the presence of Mr. Raj Ghatge Chairman of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Educational Society, Mrs. Prerna Ghatge Managing Director of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Educational Society, Mrs. Laxmi Inchal, the Principal of LDCS for the students of std. VIII to X .
The guest speaker for the programme was Dr. Deepak Dhadoti (Chairman and Managing Director of Servocontrols Aerospace India PVT. LTD) spiritualized students by demonstrating the video clip on Bharat Ratna Late. Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam. The video was concerning with all the achievers like doctors, engineers and scientists etc.
He quoted the example of the achievers of Israel also. He spoke and gave valuable information of a ‘Drone’ and the young children were enthralled to know about it. He incited the students by extracting the example of the great personality Nobel Prize Winner Dr. C. V. Raman Sir.
He stimulated the students by stating his own achievements also that how he took leave from his lucrative foreign job and returned to India in the year 2002 with the vision for his country, India and home town, Belagavi. He discussed about his own hurdles before starting his company named ‘Servocontrols’ in Bhagya Nagar, Belagavi. The interaction between Mr. Dhadoti and the students was very lively and he articulated all the doubts regarding the hurdles in success. The atmosphere was so electrifying that all the students were charged up to set their crystal clear goals.