Lokayukta Police team from Bangalore raided the official residence of D.B. Naik, Chief Executive Officer of Belgaum Zilla Panchayat and in-charge Deputy Commissioner, in Visvesvaraiah Nagar here on Thursday.
Simultaneous raids were conducted at Mr. Naik’s office, official residence, and his house at Vaibhav Nagar. Mr. Naik, a 1983-84 batch KAS officer, has served as Commissioner of Belgaum Urban Development Authority (BUDA) for more than four years.
The assets found were: A bungalow worth Rs.40 lakh in Vaibhav Nagar, 3 bungalows worth 15 lakhs in Gokak taluk, 2 bunglows in his brothers name, 25 acres of land in Gokak taluk worth 10 lakhs, 10 acres in Gunji worth 10 lakhs, guest house worth 25 lakhs in Mamdapur(Goakak) , one house in Malmaruti worth 3 lakhs 50 thousand and one land in Shindoli worth 3 lakhs.
Source :http://www.hindu.com/2008/09/12/stories/2008091253300300.htm
Y the raid being done on only specific officers …? Y not al the officers in higher posts….!
Y the raid being done on only specific officers …? Y not al the officers in higher posts….!