Demolition of the British era Railway Over bridge commences

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Demolition of the British era Railway Over bridge commenced on Oct 14, 2017 and the earth movers were seen demolishing the part of the RoB.

For the next 18 months the new 4 laned RoB would be built at a cost of 14 Crores.



6 thoughts on “Demolition of the British era Railway Over bridge commences”

  1. Sad to the bridge getting demolished. part of history is in ruins. Sad day for Belgaumities.

    Historical place are there to be preserved at all cost other wise it is chicken and egg i.e. the hen doesn’t know which eggs they have laid.


  2. It’s better to demolise old strutures instead of carrying risk of falling and causing injuries. It was just a road with no history involved. Any historic articles if was can be shifted to museum. People will continue use if kept undemolised.

  3. Historical places like the bridge are 100 years old and must and should be maintained. it is not the question old structure, it’s our Belgaum history. It similar to the way we restore/ maintain any religious monuments. Appropriate authorities have to take all measures and citizens of Belgaum contest if it is NOT done so.


    Historical icons are there to be preserved e.g. 100 years old bridge and not demolished. It is part of our city history. They need to maintained / restored like we preserve our religious structures. Appropriate authorities need to make sure the historical icons kept and not destroyed otherwise the Belgaum citizens should contest if it is NOT done so.


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