Demolition drive continues

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The demolition drive of the encroachments in the city by City corporation has picked up pace. On Wednesday again, various encroachments were removed which included garden built on sanitary lines in Bhagya Nagar and compound walls in Ram Nagar etc.

This morning the corporation demolished the Dalvi Sales furniture store on Deshmukh road the lease of which was over and the Corporation who is the owner of the land took possession of the same.

4 thoughts on “Demolition drive continues”

  1. The way it was done in Bhagyanagar (and maybe elsewhere too) was deplorable. It’s ok to do it, but be humane enough to give a notice to people. This was like a Bollywood movie – a bulldozer crushing walls and breaking stuff without any advance notice and residents pleading – give us some time. Do folks in this time and age and living in respectable areas need to treated like slum dwellers encroaching illegal land ? Some people had just constructed leveled pathways in places which did not even lead to the main roads, to avoid the health menace of pigs, to prevent construction workers who at times contaminate the place by practicing un-hygenic habits. Pigs are a health hazard – is the corporation going to maintain the place clean going forward? Has anyone taken enough time to think about the process this is implemented or just wants to score some brownie points and ensure their post is used to trouble residents?

    How about for a change doing something which is actually beneficial for people – ensure trash is regularly picked up and roads are maintained clean and free of potholes/waste or hire decent folks to collect trash – right now they are rude , arrogant young boys who have a pathetic attitude towards residents – whistle unnecessarily, make residents wait with trash in their hand, sometimes come and bang the door – overall a mean nasty demeanor.

  2. Looks like at least something is happening towards good. Need to happen more. Well a good start by the City Corporation and again none must be spared law should be one for all. And please do something about the big parking problem on the roads and lanes in the city.


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