Sound system use permitted during Ganpati Immersion

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By editor

The administration has allowed the use of  sound systems during the immersion procession of Ganpati which is on Tuesday.

Earlier the Administration had taken a stern stand that sound system wont be allowed but now it seems they have allowed but with some conditions.

dolbyOnly 2 Base and 2 top speakers allowed with maximum sound upto 75 decibels

If sec 144 is imposed during the immersion procession this permission stands canceled from then instantly.

The sound should be under the 75 decibels and should not cause problem to others.

6 thoughts on “Sound system use permitted during Ganpati Immersion”

  1. Seems Dolby is a tradition nowadays but it not it’s s shameful act really. Do visarjan the traditional way not this shit stuff. And you are talking about conditions no one will listen to it. Last year I couldn’t sleep till 4am coz of those irritating sounds. Dumb govt and corrupt system!

  2. Abhi,you are only get irritated about Ganapati dolby sound?? That too held in once in a year.. what about majsid loud speakers?? Which makes daily 5 times sound polution.??

    • Mr Editor, this isn’t the language used on your blog.. Plz delete this Reply/Comment…

      This isn’t our tradition of using foul language

  3. Won’t you put dollby while 1november and abedkar jayanti 14 April…..then why not in ganpati viarjan…n that too you put 12top ..12bass…that time people won’t get irritated??


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