Engineering exhibition showcases innovation at its best

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A coming generations need some out of the box mind thinking and innovative designs, and we could just all this at the exhibition of the projects by final year students of KLS Gogte Institute of Technology (GIT). The projects included Agriculture, renewable energy, water management and various other sectors. 200 various projects were on display at the exhibition.

exhiVishal Kamat, Vinayak Basgod, Vedant Boob and Shubham Teware prepared the the smart waste management system which can help in smart disposal of garbage. Normally garbage containers kept at residential areas, But many a times it is common complaint from residents that corporation won’t lift the garbage. These four have prepared special kit using ultra sonic censor, GSM module and adruino board. When the container is full, this kit sends SMS to corporation that the container is full and need to be emptied. Vishal kamat said this kit made in just Rs 1200 can be very smart solutions to city so that authorities time will be saved and garbage can be disposed in time he said.

exhi1Vehicle system management tool is another innovative project prepared by Radhika Bulbule, Manjunath Gulgule, Mallikarjun Khyadi, Mayura Patil E and C students which makes a safer ride for motorists. These have prepared a special helmet. The bike can start only when this helmet is worn and it also detects if the person is drunk and the bike won’t start if the person is drink. They have also used air quality censors for the bike which checks the level of carbon di-oxide emitted by the bike. If the level is high, an SMS is sent to RTO and also if the bike is met with an accident, an SMS is also sent to police control room with location information. Radhika Gulgule said all this kit is made spending only just Rs 3000. If this technology adapted by automobile companies, the number of accidents can be reduced and we can also reduce air pollution he said.

exhi2Similarly projects of nano technology based cost effective quantum dot solar cell, solar Concentrator, integrated all in one solar street light, solar based grass cutter fabrication of solar appreciated multi purpose Agriculture equipment and many innovative projects have been displayed in exhibition.

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