It is that time of the year when one plans to make it to the home town to spend a couple of days with the family and celebrate Diwali the festival of lights together and enjoy family companionship. In the recent past Diwali holidays are also being utilized as the best time for a family holiday somewhere away from regular life.
The business district of the city is a buzz for over a week now with people shopping for clothes, groceries, decorative lamps, gifts and of course clothes.
Diwali Lanterns of different sizes and shapes are in the market and most of them are Chinese. We also found the traditional octagonal and star shaped ones made in Burud Galli and ones made with paper.
Kids are spending their time making the replicas of the forts. The buzz of making fort replicas which was earlier seen in Angol, Shahpur, Vadagon is now visible even in other areas.
Making fort replicas is again a work the kids love to make and most huge replicas of
We would suggest not to use those Loud sound making crackers and if possible have a pollution free Diwali.
Diwali is the time of lighting lamps and spreading the light of happiness. But we all do this with our own relatives and friends, but how about spreading the same amongst the not so privileged ones to the likes of people in the old age homes, Orphanages, Blind schools and so on. See NGO list here.
At the end have a safe and Happy Diwali! May your life be filled with colors and joy.
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My humble request, please do not wish us happy bankruptcy (diwaLi). Instead deepavaLi conveys the correct message.