Helmet Rule is here to stay; Confusion prevails over Letter viral on Whatsapp

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There is viral image viral on Whatsapp about Helmet rule been relaxed due to Summer heat in the in 9 districts of the North Karnataka namely Bellary, Raichur, Bidar, Kalaburgi, Koppala, Vijayapura, Bagalakot, Yadagiri, and Belagavi.

The police here in Belagavi have contradicted to this viral image and said they have no official communication about the same. Wearing of helmets is a compulsion after the Supreme court decision, and hence the same cannot be neglected.

The Viral image says, with the mercury levels notch up to 46 degree Celsius in some parts of North Karnataka, the State government has relaxed the rule on wearing helmets in these districts. It is not compulsory to wear helmets.

But today in Belagavi the Police are imposing fines for non-wearing of helmets.

helmetsSuch a decision cannot be taken at the District level and has to be in the form of a gazette notification to be implemented.

Now with this utter confusion, the Police department must issue a clarification for the same.

Bike riders say, it is definitely hot out there but our head has to be more important than anything else while we are riding, hence wearing of a helmet is for our own safety.

Is it that in the heat accidents do not occur? And what if one occurs and there is a fatality, who will be responsible for the same.

So the rule may be relaxed or it may not be, each one must realize the importance of one’s head and wear it to be safe rather than cry after an accident.

1 thought on “Helmet Rule is here to stay; Confusion prevails over Letter viral on Whatsapp”

  1. Yes, people aren’t used to wearing a helmet in and around Belgaum. But, on a summer afternoon with the son right on top of our heads, a helmet helps the motorists keep their head cool while providing safety. It’s hard to understand what the fuss is all about? Wear a helmet, ride safe, stay safe.


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