Kannadigas are orphaned in Belgaum say Kannada Organizations

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The Kannada people in Belgaum are now orphaned and are being treated as orphans and this Government and also the previous ones have always supported the MES – Maharashtra Ekikarn Samiti. This was allaeged by the Kannada organizations in a press meet held at Kannada Sahitya Bhavan by various Kannada organisations, including the former Mayor Siddangouda Patil and Belgaum District Kannada Organizations Action Committee leader Ashok Chandargi, KRV leader Talwar.

Siddangouda Patil said MLA Sambhaji Patil had challenged the government only in his speech at the Maha Melava but the govt is not taking any sumo-to action on him. Infact the Govt must cancel his representation in the house for this act. Talwar added, `if they want to, let them go to Maharashtra. Why unnecessary create nuisance here.
We had demanded to meet CM Siddaramiah once but it seems the CM is not even interested to hear the woes of Kannadigas.


10 thoughts on “Kannadigas are orphaned in Belgaum say Kannada Organizations”

  1. There is a huge blunder in the entire press meet. The Word “orphaned” is wrongly used to refer Kannadigas. It actually perfectly suits to the Marathi People living in Belgaum & other disputed area of Karnataka right from 1956.

  2. There is a huge blunder in the entire press meet. The Word “orphaned” is wrongly used to refer Kannadigas. It actually perfectly suits to the Marathi People living in Belgaum & other disputed area of Karnataka right from 1956.

  3. This was true until recently but after KRV and other Kannada organizations put up a fight against MEs and other goons, things are looking better. People who spit venom from across the border are also realizing this.

    Hopefully MES and their rowdies realize the ground realities and stop spreading hatred, and let people of Belgavi live peacefully.

  4. This was true until recently but after KRV and other Kannada organizations put up a fight against MEs and other goons, things are looking better. People who spit venom from across the border are also realizing this.

    Hopefully MES and their rowdies realize the ground realities and stop spreading hatred, and let people of Belgavi live peacefully.

  5. MES and their rowdies realize this ground belongs to kannadugas they have no right to use wrong words against government of karnataka. . The Word “orphaned” is wrongly used to refer Kannadigas. and we kannadigas of belagavi never felt that we are orphaned.

    • you are absolutely right, kannadigas are not orphan, marathi people are!!! There is no one to listen there vows and that’s why MES is in existence to voice the problems of marathi people.

  6. MES and their rowdies realize this ground belongs to kannadugas they have no right to use wrong words against government of karnataka. . The Word “orphaned” is wrongly used to refer Kannadigas. and we kannadigas of belagavi never felt that we are orphaned.

    • you are absolutely right, kannadigas are not orphan, marathi people are!!! There is no one to listen there vows and that’s why MES is in existence to voice the problems of marathi people.


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