Lab technician makes a excavator from waste

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“Necessity is the mother of invention” and a passion to do something is the essence of life and it has truly been lived by Girish Basappa Dodagoudar of Ammanagi,Taluka Hukkeri.

A B.Sc. From Karnataka University works as a Lab Technician in Engineering Physics Department at Hirasugar Institute of Technology, but he is always fascinated by machines especially the excavator (JCB type)and the cranes.

Girish Basappa Dodagoudar

While helping his parents in agriculture he saw that there were many things which could be done at a faster pace and in a better manner, but lack of funds was the biggest constraint. So he decided to make a few instruments which would help farming.

Water being the most important resource for farming, storing and getting water was the key and digging a well would cost about 7 lakhs.


Girish Basappa DodagoudarSo Girish thought of making an excavator and a supporting crane so that the well could be dug up early. He used all the easily available material in the village which was basically scrap and turned into a working mechanical device.

He began to work on it from 2014 and now he is reaping the fruits. He designed Drilling machine, Welding Transformer, Cutting machines & also generated the electrical power supply and bought some old hydraulics from nearby vendor.

After spending 3 years and about 2.5 lakhs he is now using the excavator and the crane at his farm and even nearby fields.

Truly an example of Make in India, and what India can really make.

9 thoughts on “Lab technician makes a excavator from waste”

  1. ಧನ್ಯವಾದಗಳು ಅತ್ಯುತ್ತಮ ಯಂತ್ರ ಕಂಡು ಹಿಡಿದು ಹಳ್ಳಿ ಯ ರೈತ ಸಮುದಾಯಕ್ಕೆ ಸಹಕಾರಿಯಾಗಬಹುದಾದ ಈ ಸಂಶೋಧನೆಗೆ ಹೆಚ್ಚಿನ ಪ್ರೋತ್ಸಾಹ ನೀಡಬೇಕು ಭವಿಷ್ಯದಲಿ ಗಿರೀಶ್ ದೊಡ್ಡಗೌಡರ ಅವರು ಉತ್ತಮ ಯಂತ್ರೋಪಕರಣಗಳನು ಶೋಧಿಸುವ ಮೂಲಕ ಗ್ರಾಮೀಣ ಭಾಗದ ಪ್ರತಿಭೆ ಉನ್ನತ ಸಾಧನೆ ಮಾಡಲಿ ಎಂದು ಶುಭ ಹಾರೈಕೆಗಳು……


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