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Message from Doctors to their Patients and Public About The KPME Act

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The new KPMEA is an act which is likely to be passed in the Assembly Session and IMA Belagavi chapter has shared its view which are the common view of IMA Karnataka. 

What are the Objectives of the Original KPME Act

• To establish digital registry of Private Medical Establishments in the state of Karnataka.

• To prevent quackery by unqualified practitioners by introducing registration system,

• To prescribe minimum standards of facilities and services for all categories of health care establishments

All these rules and regulations under the KPME ACT are strictly followed by all the private medical establishments. Our patients are witness to it.

protesting Doctors from various cities of Karnataka at SVS Belagavi
protesting Doctors from various cities of Karnataka at SVS Belagavi

Lately the Government has made changes to this Act and has brought in certain clauses namely

1. Grievance and ReDressal Cell run by the Government

Anybody can complain about any doctor to this cell. The authorities in this cell can sentence any doctor to imprisonment of upto 5 years and/or a fine of upto 5 lakhs. The doctors do not have the right to even appoint a lawyer to defend themselves in the court of law, which is a right of any human being.

2. Fixing the rates for all procedures, including consultation charges.

All private hospitals in Karnataka will have to follow the rates fixed by the Government. If not a penalty of upto 5 lakhs will be imposed.

Why doctors are protesting against the KPME Act?

• Firstly, it violates the fundamental rights of private doctors.

• Government hospitals are not covered under the Act and only the doctors working in private sector are being targeted.

• There are already SEVEN Grievance Redressal Agencies which patients can approach to get justice against doctors. This Act will force doctors to be tried in kangaroo courts without having the power to represent themselves, which is unfair.

• In a country where even terrorists are provided with lawyers, depriving the same fundamental right to doctors is illogical.

• It will become impossible to practice medicine safely and honourably.

Is this justified?

What will happen if the Act comes into force?

Good honest doctors may be imprisoned for no proper reason.

• Karnataka will lose experienced medical professionals just like West Bengal has in the last one year.

• Many speciality clinics will also be forced to shut down.

• Corporate hospitals will be forced to shut down due to financial inviability, thereby making advanced medical treatment unavailable in Karnataka.

• Many nurses, technicians, paramedical and administrative staff will lose their jobs.

• People will be forced to rely on government hospitals for treatment.

• Patients who may not be comfortable with government hospitals and can afford quality care will be forced to go to neighbouring states.

• Fear of criminal action and litigation will deter doctors from treating critical cases, inevitably resulting in loss of life.

• Awareness and detection camps conducted by private hospitals at concessional rates may be discontinued.

• Medicine will no longer be a sought after profession for bright students in Karnataka.

• Loss of the existing good doctor patient relationship.

Once introduced ,this Act has the potential to create irreparable damage to the Karnataka healthcare landscape. The common man will have to bear the ultimate brunt of the ill-conceived policy and hence will never support it.

Any Government has all the means to provide
a. The best infrastructure facility for a hospital

b. The Latest Equipment for the best Diagnostic and Treatment facilities.

c. The ability to employ the best Doctors with the best of skills.

Instead of trying to curb Private set ups let the Government provide such state of the art facilities that all the doctors from the private setups would want to work in such places.

I am sure all of you agree that when we are sick we go to a doctor whom we trust. We go to a certain hospital for the doctor who is treating us.

This is an appeal to all our patients and the public at large that we as doctors are protesting to have a better tomorrow so that we treat our patients well to the best of our ability and not allow personal vendettas of certain people affect our patients and our lives.


17 thoughts on “Message from Doctors to their Patients and Public About The KPME Act”

  1. Doctors can continue protesting but they need to attend critically ill patients and emergencies. They need to understand they have lost a lot of public sympathies.

    • Sir do you really think Doctor they don’t want to do that but who will fight for their rights you are there on the ground on behalf of them…..????? People like you make them wrong in public and you are not a doctor you don’t have any thing to say about it.

  2. Why this govt is he’ll bent on portraying pct practising doctors as villain? Why they can’t bring the govt hospitals doctors under this bill?
    They must include in this bill all the state govt lawmakers must avail the medical facility from the govt hospitals.
    This govt wants to control the doctors but not the adamant /irresponsible health minister.
    And the opposition parties in the assembly are only bothered about the dead issues.
    Hope doctors concern will be addressed ASAP.

  3. Doctors are running multiple hospitals & rendering services in multiple hospitals. there is no ethics left in this profession. Only money matters to doctors, day by day diseases are increasing, patients as well. Doctors are misguiding the public and creating panic in the minds. There should be stringent punishment for misdeeds caused by doctors.

  4. Stop getting favours from Pharma.Companies for prescribing their medicines and getting cuts from Pathological Labs.
    All other things you said we agree.
    One needs to pay for getting better facility.

  5. Government works for all the sections of society. There is no point in this strike. Why do you need lawyer, all case sheets can be easily manipulated right from graduation days even for MCI inspections, NABH, INSURANCE on health. Come on b brave b truthful atleast to self.

  6. Very bullshit act , inhuman unjust act,will spoil the balance of health system in the system ,just playing with the lives of patients,
    Government must rethink over the issues of peoples prosperity, just curbing and oppressing private medical professionals will not solve the problems of poor patients.
    If the Govt really want to control the situations then they must ammend it to balance both sides , not just to appease the people of middle class and lower middle class ,weaker class people, just for political gain ?
    Why can’t the Govt provide the premium free/low premium medical insurance for each of its deserved weaker sections ???

  7. What will happen if the Act comes into force? You guys are educating us or threatening everyone ???

    • Fraudulent, illegal, and dishonest doctors will be imprisoned.

    • Karnataka will gain experienced, legal and qualified medical professionals

    • Many illegal Medical clinics will be shut down

    • Medical malpractice will stop in corporate hospitals. Misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis will be caught.

    • People will pay reasonable and correct prices for correct treatments. We never said we won’t pay prices therefore they won’t shut down due to financial in-availability. Public will be financing you with reasonable and correct prices.

    • Such a pity on you guys by sharing such thoughts. You guys want to make advanced medical treatment unavailable in Karnataka, great.

    • Many illegal nurses, technicians, paramedical and administrative staff will definitely lose their jobs. It is good for your profession itself, just imagine even for a simple headache problem whom should we consult- a BCOM or a MMBS person. Our state will have qualified medical staff.

    • Why people will be forced to rely on government hospitals for treatment. If you guys are genuine and reasonable then people will definitely come to you. My dear, why are you guys afraid when we all are ready to help you out. You guys improve the affordability and quality, we won’t go anywhere to neighboring states.

    • Awareness and detection camps by private hospitals are going to be there forever. Don’t worry humanity is going to be there until you and we think ourself a human. You and we are not animals. You provide good services to society; the society will definitely give good services to you as in the past.

    • Medicine will definitely be a first choice profession for bright students in Karnataka always. Who say’s Medicine field will die in Karnataka, infact people will be more attracted towards it.

    Sir, please do not threat us with such comments. We support you for your rights but this effort is to bring some transparency, affordability and quality in your profession. You guys are most respectable people in this state and country; please keep your value and respect. Being a human, please think like a human, this is not a road-side fight. Please do not throw stones on yourself. Loss of the existing good doctor patient relationship is in your hands now.

    • True… Doctors will be lucky to have a patient with your knowledge and maturity… Otherwise some patients ( money minded ones ) might even complain the authorities of a simple case complication that is expected and mentioned in the standard books and which are studied and written in exams and cleared and achieved degrees based on the references… Also The same high class facilities can be provided by the govt hospitals.. .. So instead of blaming and questioning the doctors… Question the government about their system of healthcare… And of course even if these private doctors go on strike… Nobody needs to worry… Every bit of healthcare is provided by the government hospitals (sans any negative outcomes ) 🙂

    • They are not threatening you. Instead asking you to see the reality you are choosing to ignore. You talk about humanity? Well aren’t doctors human too? Why are their fundamental rights being taken away? And u also mentioned “we need not be forced to government hospitals”.. Lol why are you doubting the quality of treatment in govt hospitals? Those people are appointed by government, so u should have faith in them right? You need quality treatment for free or for reduced price?? Well then let the government make all the advanced equipments available at lower prices.. Then automatically everything will go down.. And about how to track fake doctors or malpracticing ones.. Well there’s already something called ” KMC” which every doctor who need to practice should possess. And also there are many committees setup for the patients to fight against any injustice happened to them.. There’s certainly no need for a new one.. And also the strike is all about seeking “few changes” in the amendment.. Doctors are not completely against to it.. Thank you.

    • Simple logic boss…. I think you have travelled in hired taxis and you are sane enough to know why there is different prices for different taxi (like micro, mini,prime). Why can’t you use the same sanity for prices in different hospitals.A doctor has to pay commercial tax for his clinic, has to maintain his operation theatres, his equipments without any subsidy and above it government impose rules just for the price. Different hospitals give different range of facilities and equipments and you want same price in every hospital how logical this stand is???

      Coming to fear of future students not opting for medical field… Have you ever asked any medical professional about the course??? A medical student has to go through five and a half years of huge dedication after that he has to serve government for 1year in rural areas. This is not the end my friend he has to go through a exam where more than a lakh people will competing for just few seats if he is good enough to get a good rank he will join pg and spend another 3years after that again he has to serve government for another 2years in rural setup. Finally he will be free to put his own setup where you see government charges and he has to go through court and a nonsense committee to prove his righteousness… Reading all this i think you won’t be sending your children in this profession

      Now about illegal doctors and clinics… You should be having a knowledge that every doctor has to put his registration number which is permanent number in his clinic and this is monitored by state medical council and MCI. Even after this if government or people has doubt about these clinics there is kpme which is in act from 2007. How can you think redressal committee will be honest they can be bribed by a illegal doctor/quack or they even harass a good doctor in there locality just for money or some reason. By this government is introducing corruption in medical field

      People has to ask (even you) should ask government about the money spent on health sector every year. Why can’t they raise the standards of government hospitals. Why can’t they recruit better doctors than private. These things are undebatble logics for people right?????….Just before elections these politicians target soft areas to portray themselves as heroes. Don’t fall a prey for these ridiculous amendments

      Well doctors are not threating you they just want to have stress free routine…. after all they too are normal beings with family to look after.

  8. All those who are against the Doctors in this movement can put themselves in their place and think… Just imagine similar rules being applied to you in your profession…
    It’s easy to understand… Am sure many who talk against Doctors wouldn’t have taken health insurance and they don’t have any plans for their health either… If you don’t like private doctors who has stopped you from getting treatment in govt hospitals??? People want everything for free, that’s a pity…

  9. Sir, Doctors are human beings, we are not God’s, we have invested our time, our money, taken bank loans at commercial interest. Everyone knows the attacks on docs for simple reasons, local politicians, local goonda already asking payoffs, will increase demands.
    Why not govt increase their infrastructure, manpower. Rather than demanding from Oct docs.
    In simple words, you have shirts available at Random 50/ and also Rs 5000/ Can wedemand Rs 5000/ shirt for 50/,
    Everyone compares old rates, then we didn’t have so many diagnostic facilities, equipments like CT scan, MRI, USG, which are expensive to invest and maintain. Even laboratory instruments have become costly.

    I have a case in court from last 30 years, lower court gives one judgement, higher court another. So I am running from court to court for my own land. Mind you justice is my right.

    Every individual has right to fix price for their products, depending on the quality. If you want it u have to pay for it. Otherwise go somewhere else. Docs poor things are requesting everyone to understand them.
    If people only demand things, then there is no explanation. People don’t mind spending 2000/ for mobiles 500/ for pizza, but 500/ for doctor for their own health means doctors are inhumans

  10. Doctors will loot money of poor patients during treatment. Beginning only they charge 10 times of an amount.

    I went for physiotherapy for 10 days
    And pheotherapist charged me Rs. 300 per day (For 45 min.)

    MRI scanning is Rs.5000
    There is no that much maintenance cost for MRI machines and scanning machines.

    They want to recover MRI machines investment as early as possible and after that make real money.

    I read one article on doctors and hospitals on internet that article says that many corporate hospital’s CEO set targets to their doctors (Employees) that this number of surgeries has to be done in this month, whether patients need surgery or not.


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