The Karnataka Examinations Authority (KEA) has released Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the safe conduct of the Karnataka Common Entrance Test CET on July 30 and July 31.
No centre chosen to hold CET shall be used for quarantine purposes.
Exemption for students coming from outside Karnataka from quarantining. However, the district heads have been instructed to allocate separate rooms for such candidates.
even COVID positive candidates are not denied a chance. Students have to inform officials well in advance and get a physicians letter. While a 108 ambulance will transport these candidates between hospital and exam centre
For those who come from containment zone, their halls should be cleaned with 1 per cent sodium hypochlorite within 30 minutes of their departure and the room can be used only after 24 hours
The candidates have to be present at the exam centre two hours before the scheduled time. They should bring their own water bottles.
Wearing of masks is mandatory for students.
Each centre should be sanitized three days before the commencement of the exam and also after every exam, toilets should also be sanitised and liquid hand wash, sanitiser should be kept for students.
Gathering of parents and students should be discouraged near/at the centre, physical distancing should be maintained in the course of the exam. Only students and staff are allowed into the premises of the exam centre
Students will be allowed to carry their own water bottle.
Atleast one hall per centre should be earmarked for those coming from containment zones and those having covid-like symptoms
Chief supervisor of the exam centres should ensure that no staff is symptomatic
Invigilators and supervisors will receive gloves and surgical masks
Health checkup kiosks that start at 8 am will be setup for every 200 students and be equipped with thermal scanner and first aid box. Two paramedical staff will be deployed at every exam centre.
One ambulance should be stationed for emergency at the taluk and district level