Not wearing mask fine hiked to Rs. 250 – Max persons allowed List

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If you are not wearing a mask you could now be fined Rs. 250 as per the new modified order of the Karnataka Health department.

From Thursday, get ready to pay Rs 250 for not wearing mask in Bengaluru, and fines up to Rs 10,000 for various other Covid-related offences.

Health and Family Welfare Department’s Additional Chief Secretary Jawaid Akhtar released a new order which is a modification of earlier orders and is applicable with immediate effect.

Marshals have been directed to strictly implement the order and ensure that maskless people are penalized. The order also mandates observance of various Covid guidelines/penalties for non-observance at public events, marriage ceremonies, political rallies, funerals, hotels and other venues.

Compulsory wearing of mask and maintaining social distance – Fine – Rs. 250 in Muncipal Corporations

Who can fine – Marshals, Police official of not below the rank of Head Constable, Health inspectors of City Corporation, Bill collectors of City Corporation


The owners of the premises shall be responsible for –
Ensuring compulsory wearing of masks, social distancing

Marriages – 500 persons Open space 200 persons in Close area

Birthday party – 100 persons Open space 50 persons in Close area

Death or Funeral – 100 Open space 50 in Close area

Cremation – 50 persons

Religious celebration in open space – 500 persons

Political celebration in open space – 500 persons

In case of Functions, the owner of the premises and the organizers or hosts shall be individually responsible.

Fine for non compliance to the above –
non Air conditioned party halls/ departmental stores Fine Rs. 5000

Air conditioned party halls/ departmental stores Fine Rs. 10,000

3 Star Hotel and above Fine Rs. 10,000

Organizers of Public functions, rallies or celebrations – Fine Rs. 10,000

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