Pangul galli to be widened to 30 feet – marking from Today

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In a special meeting held at the Corporation, in the presence of MLA North Anil Benake, it was decided that Pangul Galli will be widened to 30 feet and marking for the same would be commenced on October 27 and actual work will only commence after Diwali.

It was decided to speak with the owners in Bhendi Bazar as well so that the said road could be widened.

Several owners had approached the court seeking compensation and hence work had to be stopped.

pangul galli Belagavi
Pangul Galli Belagavi

Various owners who had filed cases in Ramling Khind Galli were called in the meeting but they as they demanded monetary compensation as per law.

Also even after Ramling Khind Galli has been widened over a year now still residents who lost 100% of their houses have not got houses or any compensation. Some people had lost 100% of their shops, they were promised shops by Corporation but nothing has yet materialized.

2 thoughts on “Pangul galli to be widened to 30 feet – marking from Today”

  1. It is good news that Pangul Galli is going for widening.. But Government & Corporation first think of the shop owners whose business is getting lost in the widening.

  2. Everywhere road widening but corporation and cantonment forget to main road in the belgaum SANCHAYNI CIRCLE TO GOGTE CIRCLE, camp road widened first. all the way from globe to Petrol pump camp is very small road on both sides of the divider. Its a traffic hazard. they are making road in street area but they forget main road in the belgaum where traffic are more, I think because of political pressure. ramlingkhind galli, ramdev gali, very small small area where they are made master plan but y they are forget this road????? actual the road is required 120 feet because of current traffic in this road. our request is to please make the road 120 feet from SANCHAYNI CIRCLE TO GOGTE CIRCLE, camp.


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