Phil Britten spoke on 10X Thinking for your business growth

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The Indus Entrepreneurs (TiE) Hubli in association with KLS IMER has organized an interactive session as part of knowledge series with Mr. Phil Brittten, an international speaker, entrepreneur and author from Australia on ‘10X Thinking for your business growth’ on 17th February, 2017.

Mr. Phil Britten narrated his inspirational and motivational life experience where-in he bounced back as a warrior from the tragedy (terrorist bomb attack leading to 60% body being burnt) that took place in Bali in 2002 when he was just 22 years old. His advice to all was under any tragedy / crisis personal & professional don’t be a victim or survivor rather choose a third alternative of bouncing back like a warrior.

britten-philHe shared the expert positioning model developed by him titled “Business Growth Model” with the entrepreneurial community of Belagavi where-in he stressed upon six fundamental elements of a business which have to be set right.

  1. Developing the Entrepreneurial mindset in everyone.
  2. Tapping complete marketing machinery
  3. Providing authentic sales solutions.
  4. Embracing innovation driven strategy.
  5. Ingraining good leadership practices.
  6. Thinking about long term mission & vision.


150 plus entrepreneurs / academicians / students attended the program. Dr. Purushottam Bung, welcomed the gathering & introduced the speaker. Sri. Rajendra Belgaumkar, moderated the Q & A session.

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