Models of PSLV Satelites made by ISRO exhibited at SGBIT

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Two days national level technical and cultural fest has been inaugurated in S.G.Balekundri Institute of Technology, Belagavi on 17 th February 2017.

An exhibition of Models made by ISRO was displayed in the S.G.Balekundri Institute of Technology auditorium for two days on 17th and 18th for general public and education organizations.

Guru Prasad B.R, a Public Relation Officer, Indian Space Research Organization, Bangalore shared the world record achievement of ISRO recently happened by launching 104 satellites to the space. He addressed the gathering with the statistics of this mission, he compared the height of rocket with fifteen storied building height and the weight of the rocket was three lakhs and twenty thousand kilograms and the velocity of the vehicle was 27000 km/hr.

isroisroisroThe indigenous technology developed by Indian scientist is now appreciated by world community especially in space technology. The integration of all the branches of science and engineering is appreciated by him, he said the launching pad designed by civil engineers, launching vehicle by mechanical engineers, propellants by chemical engineers, all electronics controls by electronics and electrical engineers and coordination of software by software engineers.

He also remembered the contribution of Vikram Sarabhai, Satish Dhawan and A.P.J Abdul Kalam to the Indian space research. He also recollected and explained the Leadership qualities of Great Scientist with incidences of success and failures in the missions of satellite and their reactions specially he quoted about Satish Dhawan and A.P.J Abdul Kalam to the audience. The dream 2020 is now in the hands of present day youths, they need not to discover anything new but only understand the basics of each of their course and understand the fundamentals and its applications in a different manner.

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