Keep the People friendly policing vision in mind the Commissioner of police D C Rajjappa has said that Every THIRD SATURDAY of the month (4 PM to 5 PM) would be observed as Commissioner’s day, where the public can meet the Commissioner in his office and voice their complaints.
So on February 17, 4 PM onwards at the Commissioner of Police office the citizens could get in their complaints and voice them directly with the Commissioner himself.
Many people are still scared to voice their complaints and hence such a day would give them a platform to voice such complaints directly to the commissioner him self.
Really a very good initiative by the Commissioner of Police, Belgaum.
Thank you Sir.
It’s very appreciated and welcome steps to get work done on the time by the departments, and it is also true that’s it will run till the who has good vision about public gravitate towards the Public problems in city. We must hope for the best, with thanks.