PUC 2 results Belagavi is at 28 position

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The Pre university 2 results were declared today and with a overall passing percentage of 44.25 Belagavi district is at 28th position just before Vijapur, Yadgir and Bidar.

Last year the passing percentage was 62.05 which was 16th position in the state.

132 colleges in the state have ZERO passing percentage while this figure was 91 last year.

Students were eagerly awaiting the results and many were glued to the mobiles to know the results.

Remember, Marks are never the measure of your success.

relatives who compare are not your well wishers.

Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Sachin Tendulkar, Dhirubhai Ambani,Dr Rajkumar.. none has a valid degree, yet they are both professionally and personally successful and well respected.

Because, They LIVED their lives with love, passion, accepted and respected both success and failures equally.

Each one of us are different, hence the results are different; accept what ever comes, smile and see what next to be done so that you continue to LIVE.

Never ever thinking about giving up your lives on silly matters like marks in your exams.. may be you deserve something better and different; see what it is.


3 thoughts on “PUC 2 results Belagavi is at 28 position”

  1. 16th to 28th Position. SMART position !!!
    We can imagine “How Commercial the EDUCATION system is happening in our City”.


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