The Hindu has reported today that the soil excavated at Rajhuns gad contains low grade Bauxite. It may be recalled that the DC Ekroop Caur had categorically denied that soil contained any minerals a few weeks back. Even she had challenged that anyone could collect the samples and test the soil.
The Mines and Geology Department’s divisional laboratory in the city gave a report of presence of low-grade aluminous laterite or bauxite at the hill, it also added that it was not fit for aluminium metallurgical industry or commercial exploitation.
Currently the Rajhuns Gad beautification works are going on and local residents had alleged that the soil is being excavated for commercial use and also the excavation is causing harm to main structure it self.
for some development we have to bear loss we cant either sit wit out make it more beautiful 🙂
Mr. Prasad_Parmaraj.
Are you from Archaeological dept/Architect/who you are?. What you know about development? what u know about historical place? & how to get renovate the historical place? yo know these things? On which base you have commented on this? If not seat quite.