Rakaskop reservoir overflows—gates opened

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The main source of water for the city of Belagavi the Raksakop reservoir overflowed on 16-07-2018. The current level of water in the reservoir is 2476.75. Both gates have been opened and surplus water is let into the river to maintain level.

In 2017 it had overflown in September
In 2016 it had overflown on August 7

In 2015 it had overflown on August 4

In 2014 it had overflown on July 30

In 2013 it had overflown on July 22.

In 2012 the reservoir was full on August 6

In 2011 the reservoir was full on July 18

In 2010 the reservoir was full on 4 August

Rakaskop is full

18 Kms from Belagavi, literally meaning a hamlet of a Rakkasa (Giant), who is stated to have lived on a hillock near the village. A cavern in laterite on the hillock resembling a huge seated human figure is shown by the people to remind his past existence. Here is a Dam across the river Markandeya, supplying drinking water to Belagavi. The construction of the dam was started in 1960 and completed in 1962.

2 thoughts on “Rakaskop reservoir overflows—gates opened”

  1. We needs to upgrade the DAM at the same time by increase the height of it
    Plan to create one more dam at the next flow level
    Create small check dams where ever possible.

    Our city is seeing huge population growth at the same time we need to plan for more water storage

    Construct news small dams, we are not expecting big dams.
    Small dams matter a lot.

  2. The authorities should look into development of new dams like the ones in savgaon, Khadarwadi n make it bigger. These two dams will help in supply of water in summer too. Even rakaskop dam should be made bigger n proper cleaning should take place as you always see that the rakaskop dam gets filled with water very quickly when it rains. There should also be reservoirs created around kakti or uchgaon thinking from the future aspects of the city.


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