Rambo circus starts from Sept 2

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By editor

Those days of enjoying the circus is back.
RAMBO circus will start performing in Belgaum from Spetember 2, 2012 at CpEd grounds Club road Belgaum.
The fast dying Circus with its acrobats, clowns and animals ofcourse will be performing in Belgaum in three shows daily at 1,4,7 pm.
Gemini circus was in town last year and this year it is Rambo circus.
The business of circus is not as it was once upon a time and now this is more of a dying art. With very few animals being used the glamor to the circus is no more there, many say but seeing the artists perform live in-front of you eyes is always different. Not many want to perform in the circus as there is not much remuneration which is again joined to the income of the circus.
Earlier the Circus would be hosted on the grounds near the Gogte Circle (ground next to SBI). For many years the ground was used for fairs, circus etc. But once the Suryakant Park & rest housewas constructed on a part of it there are no big open spaces where in such events could take place.
Anyways now that Circus is here, take along your kids to see the circus, God knows whether they would also get the same opportunity.

3 thoughts on “Rambo circus starts from Sept 2”

  1. The circus is nice, but be very careful with your money at the ticket counters and at the parking lot. At both the places the staff tried to distract my attention and cheat me with sleight of hand. If the guy at the parking lot makes unsolicited offer to give change for Rs. 500 or Rs. 100, just say “no”. Count any money returned then and there without falling for their distractions.


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