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SFS interested to set up Rs.250 crore unit in Belagavi, seeks 30 acres land

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By uday

Mobile components manufacturer, SFS is interested in setting up a unit by investing Rs. 250 crores and has sought the government to provide 30 acres of land in Belagavi.

Minister for large and medium industries MB Patil said this on Wednesday after SFS delegates led by Faras Shaw, the company’s CFO met him to exchange ideas regarding its proposed project. Welcoming the proposal Minister stated that the decision will be taken after reviewing the proposal.

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SFS has already set up an aerospace components unit in Belagavi and is being operational. The company which is also a manufacturer of mobile components for companies such as Apple is interested in setting up its branch in Belagavi. He explained that this is estimated to generate 500 direct jobs for technologists in the next three years.

SFS director Prashant Kore and Industries DepartmentCommissionerr Gunjan Krishna were present.

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