Malamaruti police have apprehended two individuals in connection with a brutal murder involving the use of stones. The incident took place on the night of August 30, 2023, in Shivbasava Nagar, under the jurisdiction of Malamaruti Police Station. The victim, Nagaraja Erappa Gadivaddara, was tragically stoned to death by an unknown assailant. Due to the sensitive nature of the case, Shekhar HT, IPS, DCP (L&O) was assigned to investigate.
A dedicated Police team was assembled under the leadership of Malamaruti Police Station. This team diligently pursued leads and eventually discovered crucial information about the suspected culprits. They sought help from ACB of Kolhapur, Maharashtra, where they successfully apprehended and interrogated the two accused individuals.
The arrested individuals have been identified as follows:
1) Prathamesh Dhamendra Kasabekar, aged 20, residing at Rajarampuri Baichap Chal Galli, Kolhapur.
2) Akasha Kadappa Pawar, aged 21, residing at Rajarama Chowk A-Ward, Kolhapur.
Both suspects have been taken into custody and presented before the court. The investigation will continue under police custody to gather further evidence and insights. The search for the main accused, who is currently on the run, is actively ongoing.