Sign board on Footpath that maim

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Cantonment area is a paradise for morning walkers from all over the city. Many just come in their cars here park and then go for walking.

Recently the Cantonment has installed Sign boards (direction) across the Cantonment area and most of them are put across the Footpath or pavements and the height of these board for instance near Shaurya chowk is very low and a the board has already hit a many morning walkers.

cant-signboardHemant Dalal a regular morning walker said, “I had a close shave with this very board and thankfully I was not injured.”

Mukesh Porwal said, he saw a couple who was walking early morning when the visibility was also very low a aged couple got hit by the board as they tried to pass it. Most of them feel they will go under it but the height at which it is placed is wrong and needs to be taken up further.”

The image clearly indicates that if the board was placed another foot or two higher it would not have caused any maim.

The authorities who have to be applauded for putting up such sign boards as it helps commuters, but at the same time the placement of such boards must be made after due diligence.

3 thoughts on “Sign board on Footpath that maim”

  1. Very true the sign board is not the place to be put on footpath and thanks for the concern taken by ABB I am sure that this matter will be taken up by cantantonment people


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