SP Sandeep Patil transferred to Bangalore

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Sandeep Patil SP Belgaum has been transferred to Bangalore north as SP. Chandragupta will be the new SP he was currently in Bellary.
Sandeep Patil has assumed office on September 2, 2010 and he came in place of Sonia Narang.
In December he was transferred but due to public pressure his political transfer was cancelled.
He was also the winner of AllAboutBelgaum Belgaumite of the year award.


6 thoughts on “SP Sandeep Patil transferred to Bangalore”

  1. I wish to see him back and I hope his transfer was not due to political intereference…..he has done great deal of service to the city….

  2. Thank u guys for this forum !! i am from Bangalore north &i was wishing that whether he would take in charge of our place .. I’m really happy for it now.. & i have been following this officer & he is really student friendly & encouraging man!!!u wont believe when madam Sonia Narang ji took over Bangalore south she brought down the crime rate drastically &i hope the same work would continue here too.. ALL THE BEST SIR !!!


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