Suresh Hundre no more

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Suresh Hundre noted industrialist from Belgaum Expired this morning due to a massive heart attack.
The last rites would be performed at 3 pm at Shahpur crematorium.

12 thoughts on “Suresh Hundre no more”

  1. In sorrow, we mourn those lost. In gratitude, we embrace those around us. In sympathy, we reach out to those who grieve.

    Belgaum has lost one of its precious gem.

    • Great personality and down to earth gentleman. Great loss to many people especially many organisations which were depended on his service both monetary and guidance

    • He was kohinoor of belgaum. A social hero known for simplicity.Man of ethics.Force of direction to all industrialists in belgaum.Who will follow his ideology next?I pray his soul rest in peace.

  2. My respectful homage to the departed soul. Mr. Hundre was a visionary and instrumental in pioneering several new industrial and management policies in his establishments. Though at that time people resisted his policies, the same policies are the norm today. I pray to the God almighty to grant the departed soul eternal peace. It will take a long time for the city of Belgaum to recover from this untimely and tragic passing away of a friend, philosopher and guide.

  3. Its unbelievable… Still I cant believe this!!
    Hundre Sir was my roll model.. Belgaum has lost an industrial gem out of us.. Every time when it comee to running a bussiness in ethical and out of box thinking, I proudly take Hundre sirs name and his concept of business ashrama.
    We miss you sir!! May your soul rest in peace.

  4. It was shocking to read the sad news that Mr. Suresh Hundre is no more with us.

    As a faculty member at GIT, I had numerous opportunities to interact with Mr. Hundre and his team at the Polyhydron Group. I was always inspired by the group and particularly by his speeches and actions. He truly practiced what he preached and led by example.

    In 1996 when we were working to get Internet to Belgaum, we were advised by the General Manager of Department of Telecom (now BSNL) to run a signature campaign and submit a petition.

    As we struggled to collect signatures, Mr. Hundre came to know of the efforts. He came to my residence (on his own) and offered to volunteer for the cause. When I explained him the requirement, he set out from the very next day to contact his Business Fraternity and within a week got us about 800 signatures for the petition! That helped us quickly influence DoT to bring Internet to Belgaum.

    This incidence highlights his commitment to any task he took upon with passion.

    May His Soul Rest in Peace.


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