Suvarna Vidhan Soudha in Belgaum

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suvarna soudha belgaum

The Suvarna Soudha has now been re-christened Suvarna Vidhana Soudha. This was disclosed by Speaker K.G. Bopaiah; said the decision was taken after studying the suggestions from several leaders.

The mega structure is all ready for the mega event and each day someone is visiting the site to see the preparations. Apart of cleaning inside which is normally taken up only a couple of days ago, the entire structure of about 400 crore is ready.

The president is likely to address a public gathering at the Suvarna Vidhan Soudha after inauguration sources said. About 1 lakh people are expected for the function. 

11 thoughts on “Suvarna Vidhan Soudha in Belgaum”

  1. Nice structure.Hope it would become a boon for North Karnataka people /specially to namma belagavi.:)Proud to be a Kannadiga.!!!

    • namma Belagavi?
      you r so religious baby! call it as its our Belgaum! Belgaum is belgaum and its belong to Marathi-kannada ppl, y dont v try to settle down d issue by asking better opportunities n development to govt?
      u know we dont have ne prob with each other (marathi ppl n Kannada ppl) den y ppl like u stressing it down?
      bcs of such ppl belgaum is behind n not getting expected growth. jus control yo stuffs n let ppl live with peace.

      • dear friend,nice to see ur response.Your words like “belgaum belongs to kannada-marathi ppl, y dont v try to settle down d issue by asking better opportunities n development to govt?” are appreciable,and we all must accept and live in peace.Also FYI “NAMMA” in kannada means “OUR’s” in no offence.:)
        But I would also like to mention,the fact that, “PRESENTLY” Belgaum being integral part of Karnataka,its kannada people right,to say “Namma Belagavi”.I think this should not be an issue at all.For eg:Marathi people say Mumbai as “Amchi Mumbai”(correct me if I am wrong 🙂 ),even though it belongs to every one(india) also “Amchi Kolhapur” etc etc .As its is maharashtra,marathi people say it as “Amchi Mumbai”and this is also fine ,no issues at all.what say friend??

        • Again brainless comments. Why the marathi people call Amachi Mumbai becoz the Marathi ppl are the natives of that city. Later on ppl from other parts migrated to Mumbai.. hence no issue. Traditionally Marathi speaking ppl are the natives of Belgaum & hence it shud be ” Aamche belgaon” rather than Namma Belgavi, though we don’t have any objection to be a part of Karnatka . You ppl shud recoginize the fact that we are not outsiders & shud not hav an objection to retain our culture…

          • First of all this topic need not be stretched soo much,just because I said “Namma Belagavi”.Its immature from your part.
            My intention was not to include ‘Mumbai,Mumbai Migrants” issue here.I used it just as an example.that it.As I have mentioned in the comment “For eg”,showing how they use “Amchi”…!!!
            Coming to natives,saying only Marathi people are natives of Belgaum city ,is not correct and is not acceptable as well.I am saying this because,even I am a native of Belgaum itself.My grandparents were born and brought up in Belgaum as well.And lot many Kannada people are staying in Belgaum ,as their native and also we are not outsiders :).
            “Belgaum is integral part of Karnataka,and is all set to become(already is) 2nd capital of Karnataka , with now Suvarna Vidhana soudha constructed” just like nagpur.We are kannadiga’s and no one can stop us saying “Namma Belagavi” “.
            Finally we have never objected your culture.India is multi cultured country,no one has the right to object other cultures,but respect every culture.(Karnataka,Maharashtra etc).

          • You think your comments are sensible and rest all here are making brainless and foolish??? See the world from other side..your comments too seem brainless!

  2. CONGRATS… BELGAUM… May our BELGAUM prosper day & night.
    Lets all also shine & prosper and forget the caste, creed and colour.
    Long Live INDIA & Long Live BELGAUM.

  3. NAMM BELAGAAVI Minchuttide… prakaashisuttide… Holeyuttide…

    Love you BELGAUM… N Miss you….

    Hope the new move add glories to BELGAUM…

  4. @ Sammi we saw other day the strength of Kannada activist in recent Karnatak Bandh in Belgaum, Some 10-15 people carrying out the so-called-protest march at PROTEST CIRCLE (Sorry I mean to say Chennamma Circle) & most importantly with Police protection. I think this time the pro-Kannada organization didn’t export protestor from other city/town down from karnataka to shown their Strength in Belgaum.


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