As a part of the 185th International Day of Photography Pradeep Vasunakar, Amrit Charantimath and Lingaraj Jagajampi’s “The Off Shoots” showing environmental awareness and importance was inaugurated by renowned environmentalist, actor-director Suresh Heblikar by clicking the camera. He said in his speech that since the Western countries and Europeans came and started growing tea, coffee, cardamom and pepper in the Ghats, seeing the natural wealth of India, till now the Western Ghats and other areas have been ruined the construction of dams and all kinds of development.
Incidents like Wayanad are happening as a result of lack of vision and selfishness of politicians, government officials and big businessmen. There are no activities that complement the environment in all the fields that are taken today. In this regard, he said, the government should urgently implement the necessary projects for environmental protection. The environment is not just wood, water and other necessities but also the creation of an integrated ecosystem. In this context, he hailed this exhibition as a very commendable effort. He called everyone to join hands as a youth for this work.
Another guest, Captain Nitin Dhond spoke and emphasized the importance of the Malaprabha river and its role. He said that it is the responsibility of all of us to preserve the environment of this part by telling in detail how the environment of this part has survived due to the great efforts of Paryavarani and its members under the leadership of late General Sardesh Pande.
Captain Dhond added that all politicians are misleading the farmers of the Gadag Hubli region. Diverting Mahadayi will destroy Bhimgad Wildlife Sanctuary which will adversely impact the rainfall in Khanapur and North Karnataka regions causing desertification of North Karnataka and leading to acute shortage of water in Navalgund, Gadag and Hubli areas. Citizens must now strongly stand up and stop this disaster in the making.
Basavaraj Ramannavar, President of Belagavi Professional Photographers and Videographers Welfare Association, while delivering the presidential speech, recalled the old days and current developments of Belagavi Professional Photography. He said that everyone should emphasize not only professional photography but also beautiful environment photography. He said that this exhibition is a very big step in this regard. He said that Belagavi’s contribution to the photography profession in history is immense.
Namaskaram 🙏
Myself as an enthusiast of basic raw Nature, tend to see our Human Nature turning against the larger construct of all other existence around.
Unless we impart to our kind, through proper knowledge the necessity to develop within some natural Kindness, with such barbaric development in name of so called progress, we are gradually transforming ourselves into lesser humans.
As a Being, how to BE ? The key word is COEXISTENCE. To be able to allow all other life forms an equal right as us to survive on this planet, we got to redefine our Needs vs Greeds.
We as humans are the biggest consumers responsible for ever growing Consumption of Natural resources that are depleting by the day. The highest priority to show a shift in our environmental Consciousness will be by exercising by some means, measures to control the ever exploding Human population to reduce our Footprint on the surface of Earth,and thereby making room for real Biodiversity.
Pranam 🙏
I totally agree with Prashant. Also, as of December 2020, mass of all human-made material has exceeded all living bio-mass, and anthropogenic impacts are a lot more visible and significant. The debate is no longer development vs environment, but development keeping at the centre of it environmental protection and conservation. For this, policy shift is needed, and all stakeholders need to be bought on-board, most importantly the communities.