Traffic advisory for 15 Sept due to VVIP visit

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By editor

The President of India, Governor, Chief Minister, Chief Justice and other VVIP will be visiting Belagavi to attend the Platinum Jubilee celebrations of Karnataka Law Society and RL Law college on 15 September at GIT Belagavi, due to which the Commissioner of Police has issued a Traffic Advisory to make free VIP movement in Belagavi.

traffic advisory

No traffic will be allowed of any kind from 8.30 AM to 1.30 PM on 15 Sept on the following roads and some roads will have diversions.

  • 15-9-18: First gate, Second gate will be completely closed for traffic, Vehicles can use Old PB road or Kapileshwar Bridge to commute
  • No parking on NH4A within city limits
  • No Parking on Sambra road, NH 4, Lakeview Cross, Ashok Circle to Rani Chennama Circle, College Road, Khanapur Road, Congress Road, NH4A
  • Vehicles coming from Vijapura, Bagalkote, Nesargi, Yargatti can use road next to Marihal Police Station to reach Sulebhavi road
  • Sambra Under Bridge, Mahantesh Nagar Under Bridge, Ashoka Circle – all Vegetable vehicles, Alarwad Under Bridge, Yedurappa Marg will come via OLD PB road
  • All BUSES coming from GOA will be stopped at Peeranwadi corner and will return from there only
  • Buses coming from Kolhapur, Gokak, Dharwad will be stopped at Ashok Nagar 4th cross on open space and will operate from there only.
  • City Bus service will be operational from Dharmanath Circle
  • HTV traffic within city is banned from 14-9-18 6 AM to 6 PM and on 15-9-18 again 6 AM to 6 PM.
  • Vehicles from Goa, Khanapur will go via DESUR, KK KOPPA and can join NH4

16 thoughts on “Traffic advisory for 15 Sept due to VVIP visit”

  1. Thanks dear President we are grateful to you! Your visit has decked up our beautiful ? city and it indeed looks like a city worth living and driving ??

  2. Declare public holiday with payment as in the unorganized sector payment will be deducted due absence on work. The same will be recovered from state & center exchequer.

  3. This is really frustrating..
    To make way to presidents, entire day traffic ban means, do not you people understand that how common people will suffer ???

  4. it is disgusting, almost all industries situated in Udyambag are forced to close their units tomorrow as traffic regulations do not allow anybody to enter udymbag- the prime industrial area. This is type of Bundh imposed on all of us. This is continuation of British colonel mentality- nobody bothers about common man. Even no leader, organisation has raised its voice for such impractical traffic restrictions. Next time at least when such VVIPs come to Belgaum authorities should take care that day today working of all the business and common citizen should not hamper.

  5. Wel come the decision for smooth movement of VVIP….
    But why to break & remove the safety speed breakers on regular roads……..

    It’s not feeling Eco India & safety ……

  6. tommarow is my son exams due to vvip visit it’s postpone to sat how many children’s suffer about this. why so much of disturbence in India if anyone ministries or vvip visit vto why don’t they take any other road to reach vto it’s reduculas govt we have in India.

  7. It’s a privilege that the President of India is visiting Belgaum, but certainly not at such huge inconvenience to inhabitants of the city. It is further utterly nonsense that so much of unwanted expense is done on just the route that he is passing. This is just temporary beautification to impress the President. The first citizen of India will not want to disrupt public life for a whole day like this. Don’t know the current President’s protocols or whether he is even aware of it but certainly not Pres. Abdul Kalam’s ideals. All this huff-buff will not help anyone and is certainly another opportunity to say that we need to really grow up when it comes to understanding what is true service to the nation.

  8. I think everybody should follow traffic rules even President of India should… If any politicians are coming to city, the whole roads are closed and public at large will get harassed… Rules are for everyone, whether VIP or normal person….


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