Truck hits bike, One dead on Congress road

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At around 5 PM on Wednesday, a Truck with number KA04 which was coming from Khanapur hit a Bike and the biker was killed on the spot on Congress road near Second Gate.

The deceased has not yet been identified but hails from Ankalagi from Gokak Taluka.

One side of Congress road is blocked for traffic as the White topping work is in progress since a month now. Minor accidents occur each day on the entire stretch but go unnoticed.

This was a fatal accident raising questions on the safety of the commuters.

truck bike accidenttruck bike accidentaccident truck bikeHTV’s are diverted from the RoB at Gogte circle but traffic coming from Udyambag cannot be stopped.

7 thoughts on “Truck hits bike, One dead on Congress road”

  1. Very Sad. But the commuters are to be equally blamed. Everybody is in rush. Development is going on for our own convenience & also the Policemen are doing their job to the the best of their ability. Now we the public have to respect the traffic laws & respect each others right of way , so that no such unfortunate incidents take place & precious lives are not lost

  2. I see that whenever such sad incidents take place, most of the times the blame directly goes on HTVs. But with what I have observed in and around the city, two wheelers are the ones that are breaking the rules, they don’t allow others to pass, everybody wants to go first, want to over take everyone in a rush. I feel more than helmets, other rules needs to be strictly observed, like speed limits, wrong side riding/driving, intolerant riders, etc etc.. whatever I have pointed out, might have nothing to do with the above mentioned incident, but surely they need to be considered seriously.

  3. In Belagavi most the two wheeler riders overtake four wheelers from their right side, which is unlawful. This is the main reason for such fatal accidentswhile driving I have faced such difficulties non Belagavi roads. Please some RTO authorities advise two wheeler riders from doing so.

  4. Bad scene, accidents can be avoided.
    Every body in a hurry!
    When a vehicle has slowed down or stops for some movement in front, the two wheelers just try and rip past not understanding why this vehicle has slowed down.

  5. Isn’t it high time for a bypass from the blore Pune high way to Goa highway.most of the heavey vehicles will not need to enter the city traffic then.

  6. Belgaum is much needed ring road or Bypass… Heavy vehicles can be avoided to enter city.
    Upcoming MP and Current MLA. Please take interest..On Ring Road Project.


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