Only two pots of water per family in Vadgaon Khanapur

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It is again that time of the year when the water levels in the wells have depleted and even getting sufficient water for a family is a dreadful task at times.

The villagers of Vadgoan in Khanapur taluk, as every year, allows the villagers to draw only TWO pots of water for a family. The entire family then it may be a 4 member or 10 member family one famly gets only 2 pots of water from the only well which is left with water.

Residents of the drought-hit village are expecting the situation to worsen in the coming days.

water-jamboti vadgaonThe rules made last year are back into force and each family, irrespective of the number of members, can draw just two pots of water per day from the only well in the village. If any family is found drawing more than two pots, the village committee will slap a fine of Rs 500.

This village is very near to Kankumbi that receives the highest rainfall in the state.

But with only two pots of water, which are used for drinking purposes for other needs of water one will have to walk 3-4 kms to the banks of the Malaprabha river at Kusamalli. Bu the villagers fear that will dry up very soon.

A pipeline has been laid from the river to Vadgaon for pumping water. But the old pump fetches very little water and frequently breaks down.

If a tank is constructed between the river and Vadgaon and the existing pump is use to pull the water to the tank it can be used by the villagers. But the dearth of funds in the gram panchayat is hampering this plan for years.

The Khanapur administration have said this year they would be unable to supply tankers to the village which has panicked the village of 110 families and most of them are below poverty line.

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