The parents fight against the Principal of Amrita Vidyalayam has been successful as Karunaya the current principal was removed and a new principal from Mangalore will now take charge. The parents had boycotted the school for over a week citing various irregularities in the school.
This is the FIRST right step from an adamant management. But there are still plenty of issues in this school. They need to have proper staff. Schools are not built in a day. Lot of classes simply do not have the right teachers. The problem with all the schools is that if you pay peanuts you invariably attract monkeys. The salary and working condition of teachers needs to improve drastically.
The management still needs to put all efforts to improve the school. They are trying to pass the buck by asking parents to find teachers. A good number of parents want to move their kids out of this school.
Thanks AAB! for all the coverage and support. You have supported good causes like this School and SP transfer. Keep up the good work. God bless.
How r your children feeling after removing Pricipal?