Noted former Journalist of The Hindu and who has also published special articles for this website has been awarded the for his contribution by the Karnataka Media Academy. Karnataka Media Academy has been constituted vide Government Order GO No.HD 30 PIS 81 dated October 1981 as a grant-in-aid corporate body.
The awards carry a cash prize of Rs 20,000 each and a citation. Chief Minister Siddaramaiah will present the awards on a date which will be announced soon, Academy President M Siddaraju stated in a press release on Tuesday.
Vijaykumar Patil is a senior journalist with nearly 27 years of experience in India’s national English print media. He took voluntary retirement to work as freelancer. Presently, he stays in Belagavi and also writes for this website.
“You can make a story on whatever you see, listen and smell; one should have nose for news. Never be part of yellow journalism as it is the greatest sin not only against the profession but also the society.” Vijaykumar Patil said.
A native of Bidar, Vijaykumar is a Bachelor of Engineering with Specialisation in Electronics & Communication. Born in 1960 both his parents are in the field of journalism. His father, Vishwanath Baburao Patil is a noted journalist & served The Hindu for a long time. His mother, Amrit served as a Managing Editor of the Hindi daily newspaper “DAMAN” from Bidar.
He was the Principal of R.R.K. Samithi’s Industrial Training Institute, Aurad Bidar from June 1, 1984 – August 31, 1985. He then served as EDITOR for INDEPENDENT SPIRIT and English Daily from 1988 to 1992 at Bidar at the same time he also worked as a STRINGER for PRESS TRUST OF INDIA & INDIAN EXPRESS. From 1992 to 2004 he served as a part time correspondent for Times of India, Gulburga.
Vijaykumar was the first journalist interview with R.Venkataraman, Former President of India for THE HINDU on June 29, 1999. He has been an invitee delegate at All India Fact Finding Committee on Godhra-Gujrat Violence, UNESCO sponsored Conference on ‘Alternative Schooling’, National Level Indian Classical Music Competitions, National Conference on “Role of Media in Restoring Values in Society”, State Level Workshop for Hindustani Classical Music Review Writers.
He also regularly contributes articles on Educational/Career issues, Reviews on Hindustani Classical/Light Music, Drama, occasionally on books in THE HINDU.
Hearty Congratulations Vijaykumarji !!
Our hearty congratulations on the awards to you Sir. With best wishes. Gomatawani. Sudhir Padmannavar.
Congratulations sir!! Great Job.God bless you abundantly.