Yet another innocent commuter looted by the parking mafia

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By editor

Post complaint to City Commissioner, Corporation by Mr. Ajit Patil and publication of the “LOOT CONTINUES” on Allaboutbelgaum, a number of people have come forward to describe incidences on CCB authorized car parking lots at Club Road and Bapat Gali, where they were either wrongfully charged or where attendants misbehaved with the vehicle owners.

In one such incident reported,

The vehicle owner was charged Rs.50 for only 30 minutes of parking and given a receipt for 3 hours and 30 minutes. When asked about the timeframes on the receipt, he said the attendants follow the practice of handing over a receipt for 3 hours and 30 minutes regardless of the time the vehicle was parked. The tender operator continues to rob the public despite an active complaint on the commissioner’s table.

parking rcpt

How many more such reports/publication are needed to wake the sleeping administration.

Links to previous articles

Be aware of illegal/wrongful parking charges


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