Have you ever heard of brakes for a bullock cart?
Amazed, here is the story of a village chap who has come up with this unique idea of implementing brakes to a bullock cart and his project was showcased at the YUVA SUMMIT 2014 where Education minister Mr R.V.Deshpande, Rebbus CEO Phanindra Sama, Worlds youngest CEO Mr.Suhas Gopinath and VC from central university visited his stall and he received the best Leader award from Mr Mohandas Pai, Mr. Basavaraj Horatti, Dr. Gururaj Deshpande. And won Rs.1 lakh cash prise in the Master Of Social Entrepreneurship’s pitch your idea competition.
Meet Mr. Santosh Kaveri who has come up with the idea and has also implemented it in real time successfully. Santosh is a student of Business Administration of Samiti College Belgaum and also an active member of LEAD – LEaders Accelerating Development, an initiative of Deshpande Foundation Hubli. It is the same Santosh who had received the Best LEADer Award from Mr. Ratan Tata in an international conference called Yuva Summit last year.
The system is simple and does not harm the bulls. In earlier days, the moving cart was to be stopped using a controlling rope which is inserted in the nose of the bulls and it used to cause lot of pain to the bulls. But the new system is different and is safe to use.
Santosh has set a new example again by implementing such ideas which are efficient and cost effective.
Here is how the brake system works:
The brake liner is attached to the thread which is controlled by the driver or the rider. The major problem is while loading the items or mainly sugarcane load onto the cart. The cart has to be made to stand still while loading and is a hectic task. And if a foot brake is used, the rider cannot pull the brake once the canes are loaded. But if this brake is used, the rider will be able to control the brakes by sitting at any height. That is he can control the brakes even by sitting on a load of about 5 feet! This braking system works similar to that of a bike’s. That is when the brake is pulled; the wheels come to a halt. But the difference in this system is that the brakes are in the hands of the rider. This system comes handy at the time of loading, when riding downwards from a hill, when going upwards a hill and while turning in a short radius.
The complete system will cost around Rs. 4,000 to 5,000/-.
Santosh is associated with LEAD from past 2 years and has come up with some very innovative and economical ideas for everyday problems. When asked how come being a business administration student, he gets such ideas, he quotes this “Necessity is the mother of inventions.”
LEAD has provided him with all the support that he needed and has helped him bring his ideas come to reality.
There were days when innovation was restricted to only scientists and engineers sitting in a block and doing research. But by seeing these kinds of examples, it is clear that innovation has stepped down from big blocks of cabins and white coats to fields and common man!
He should have been in an IIT. Our education system doesn’t identify and nurture such talent. If he was in US instead, he would have been pulled by MIT or such Universities by now. It is very unfortunate that he is born in India. Some rewards and certificates what he will get and nothing beyond that.
Further to my earlier comment, I request readers to read the article about our education system in the following link – http://www.firstpost.com/india/nadella-as-microsoft-ceo-a-slap-in-the-face-for-indian-system-1374951.html
Fantastic innovation. I am sure u will be a partner in growth of Belgaum and our country as well. All the best.