by Sameer Majli
It was a starry winter night
I tried to settle down
Soft music flowed, the scenes were bright
At Taj, my lovely crown.
Folks gathered sharing tales of fun
Unaware of the savage game
Unaware of the approaching gun
With bullets that had their name.

The sweet melody of the joyous song
Was strangled when the fire did start
Each bullet that hit the noble souls
Went straight right through my heart
Death walked in through the open door.
The blasts set things on fire
The innocent lives that hit the floor
Were struggling to respire
What demons were these that tread my heart?
That shattered my lovely dream
Only cruelty, a breed apart
Would enjoy a deathly scream
The aggression was soon cut short
But the scars are here to stay
The wounds I carry are in my heart
I feel the pain each day.
It was my children that bit the dust
Belief in man was killed
What died that day was human trust
The gap can never be filled.
On the occasion of the 9th anniversary Lets pay tribute to the martyrs.
Even as we pay tributes to the martyrs the sole terrorist captured is still alive. We all should pray that he should be hanged as early as possible.
A small slide show made by Belgaum based Sagar Patil & Pravaah Pictures. The video on the internet only and it was ranked as the Best Video of the Day on Youtube India in Nov 2008.
BLOODY tht ajmal kasab…..take a sur-suri… n put it in ….let evryone knw hw it pains when thers fire in ass….
my blood stil boils when i remembr this incident…. hw cn v forget our brave men who sacrificed thier lives for us…… plz if god exists….. plz tel him to stop this killing spree……
The Morning:
Based on 26/11 Mumbai Terrorist Attack
To all Indians, Friends.. We all dream for one new morning.. One new sunshine, that will bring peace to entire human kind.
A new life, without terror.
Please watch this video and spread this to maximum possible Indians.
Music & Vocals: Sagar Patil
Poem: Saurabh Pathak
Compiller: Saurabh S.