Vidyaadhar & Shantati Vrduhashrama have launched this novel scheme to help the ones in need.
The idea behind this is very simple, said social worker Vijay More.
Each one of us have so many things in our closet and home that are not utilized and just lie idle, it could be clothes, shoes, sandals, cooking vessels, some old furniture and also some medicines which have not expired. We just keep them and dont utilize it, then why not give it here at the “Wall of Humanity” where the needy person can pick up what he or she needs.
Vidya Aadhar Project supports the education of needy students from the sale of old news papers, books donated by citizens. The project initiated by Shantai Vrudhashram has until date supported more than 184 students since its inception in 2013 and a sum of about 10 lakhs have been distributed amongst the needy students.
The “Wall of Humanity” is the next step forward to help the needy.
For details please contact Vijay More on 9844268687
CTS No: 5576/C, Near Railway Over Bridge, Old Goods Shed Road Belagavi.
Good scheme
Great idea!
Very good initiative. God bless.