Allaboutbelgaum stands behind you. Oh! We may not be the Sharks in the Tank who end up funding your idea but we’re definitely the tiny nudge that propels your boat a bit ahead.
Brand Name of the Startup Nubax data labs Core Focus Area Data Science Description about the startup Solve problems related to data and consume data to get actionable insights Startup Registered Yes Website address Applicant Name Niranjan Jadhav Email [email protected] Registered Office Address Bhagyanagr Belgaum
Founder Details Niranjan Jadhav Co-Founder Details Anant Khannekar Founded Year 2018 Are you a Pre Revenue Company Yes Funding – If you have got any funding share details Investors – List of investors if any Describe Product or Service Orion is data platform Elaborate on the scalability of the Product or Service Product is scalable Elaborate on the innovativeness Orion is data platform used by enterprise to consume data