Bapu-Bittoo: “Open defecation”

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By editor

Bittoo: Bapu.

Bapu: Yes Bittoo.

Bittoo: The Government of India has set the an ambitious goal to declare the country “Open defecation free” before October 2, 2019.

Bapu: If it happens, it will be one of the biggest achievement for the nation.

Bittoo: But, I have serious doubts Bapu!

Bapu: Why?


Bittoo: You see, there is rampant open defecation still large number of villages while hardly any city or town is totally ODF because of large number of migration of construction workers and those and slums with neither personal nor proper public toilets.

Bapu: Hummmmm.

Bittoo: Added to the menace is open defecation by domestic and stray cattle and animals like dogs and pigs, and pets tamed by “animal lovers”, all of which openly and freely defacate indiscriminately.

For instance, look at the bus shelters, railway and bus stations, market places, lanes connecting main streets and roads even in the “Smart City” Belagavi. Many bus shelters in the city have been abandoned by public as they have been soiled by stray animals and left uncleaned for days and months and commuters are forced to stand on their feet for long time for bus (see today’s picture depicting the obnoxious condition of the bus shelter at Bogarves). Apparently, there is neither any control nor a measure from the government or the local civic administrations on such open defecation by stray animals.

Bapu: That’s a serious problem and pathetic condition indeed Bittoo.

Bittoo: Such being the situation, will the government achieve its goal within the deadline, Oct. 2, 2019 and make at one city fully ODF Bapu?

Bapu: I don’t know Bittoo.


This is a citizen-centric new column, wherein the author(Bitto) is an ordinary, politically unaffiliated common man of the city who in his/her inimitable approach takes up various issues with the Bapu’s soul! Apparently, the interaction between them portrays ironies of sorts encountered by the common man and others in the city in a lighter vein. The author’s name will not be disclosed to the readers as he/she represents the common man of the society. This column aims at creating awareness and sensitising cross sections of our city on various issues of public concern only but in a lighter vein without holding any contempt against any institution or individual.

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